Member-only story
Baby blues- myth or reality?
My pregnancy and my birth did not go exactly how I imagined or planned as a first time mom, blissfully ignorant and unknowing of what bringing a child into the world might be like. In order to be able to explain how and why I have gotten to experience baby blues, I think it is important to provide you with the short version of my delivery story and the third trimester of my pregnancy.
After the never-ending sickness of the first trimester, I believed I was out of the hook with the renewed energy and taste for life during the second trimester. But then, as it goes, as soon as I entered the third trimester, issues started coming one after another, from a water breakage scare at 31 weeks to numerous growth scans and baby measuring under the third percentile. Naturally, as strong as I tried to be, this has taken a toll on me and the desire or rather need to give birth as soon as possible grew inside of me. Therefore, 2 false labours later, when I was told that I will be induced at 37 weeks, my heart was filled with hope as I would have rather given birth and have the baby grow by drinking milk than not getting enough nutrition from the placenta. Long story short, as growth scans have a 20 % margin of error, my baby was born small, but did not need special care or to be put in an incubator.
As expected, at 37 weeks sharp, I was in the hospital with my luggage filled with little bags tagged for every need I might have and ready to give birth by the end of the day.